See what Dr. Ray Strand has to say...
When I release my book, Death by Prescription, I alerted people to the fact that the 3rd leading cause of death in US and Canada was legal medication... there are over 100,000 deaths due to properly prescribed and properly administered medication... Also, despite being prescribed by your trusted medical doctor, there is one in four chance of you having some form of adverse medicine reaction and conflict within your body system, which would accumulate toxins in your body and slowly detriorate your kidney and immune system ....
HomeSPA - Ultrasonsonic bubble bath can help you detox and cleanse the entire body, improve blood circulation, promote healthy ageing, boost immune system, reduce fatigue and improve overall body health. No medication needed - no exhobitant medical visit fees, just a 15 minutes bath, which you do everyday, anyway!!
What about herbs and fruit remedies?